Managed Forex Accounts London: Pamm Investors Guide


If you are from London or the UK and are looking for reliable Forex portfolio management services, choose the account that suits your needs in the table below.

Choose Your fund Average Monthly ProfitCommission on profits (HWM)
0.2 BTC19%15%
0.3 BTC24%8%
There are many Forex money managers in London. I don’t live in this city but based on my research, I can tell that those of you who are now reading this article arrived here as a result of searching the term ”Managed Forex Accounts London”.

Let me tell you something. I have seen all kinds of Forex traders and even heard every good, funny and bad story involving the Forex market and money managers in London and also around the world.

Some of the Forex traders I started with evolved to become profitable traders. But others just ended up being a statistic!

They blew up their lifetime savings and due to greed, some of them have refused to give up. In the spirit of revenge, they are still searching for ”the best managed Forex accounts London” hoping that they will recover their losses through expert traders.

Here is a story of a man. Let’s call him Mr. Greedy.

Mr. Greedy was an accomplished businessman. He got good education in his early years and landed a good job. Because he wanted more money, he decided to open his own business.

Mr. Greedy was all set in life since he was a millionaire by the age of 32. Business was booming for him but he still wanted more (I can’t figure out why the richer people are, the more riches they still want).

He started exploring other ways to make money and like most of the people who come to the Forex market blindly, he searched for managed Forex accounts London and initiated contact with the first few companies/sites in the Google results.

best performing managed Forex accounts
This kind of hype will land you in trouble
managed forex accounts good results
We need proof to be persuaded

He was sweet-talked by silver-tongued salesmen who hypnotized him with all kinds of promises. Mr. Greedy could see that the sky was the limit for Forex traders and investors.

This guy was already a successful businessman and due to this fact, he was overconfident.

He invested heavily in one shady online company in London that purported to offer managed Forex accounts to investors. Obviously, his money started to dimish because an internet salesman is not a trader by profession. So they can only take your money and show you the middle finger.

Mr. Greedy had unknowingly ”invested” in a ponzi scheme.

Here is an interesting story of an all-time Ponzi scheme fraudster called Robert Allen Stanford. It will give you a good clue about how crooks trick people using Ponzi schemes.

Things moved fast for Mr. Greedy. He was getting returns but due to his huge appetite for more money, he was eventually convinced by this ”London Forex managed account provider” to invest more so he could earn more.

And then POOF!! The poor fellow lost all his money at once! He was not able to withdraw his remaining balance anymore. The ”Forex account manager” was no longer responding to his emails. This led to a lawsuit and it eventually turned out that this Forex account Manager was not even based in London. It was ugly. He obviously lost all his money. The scammers have never been brought to book.

Managed Forex accounts in London

I’m not saying that all managed Forex accounts providers in London are scammers. All that I am trying to emphasize is that people should try to at least conduct due diligence before they can invest.

First of all, a Forex managed account provider will at least product proof (a trading statement is good) of their trading for the last two months.

If they have been in business, I don’t see how they can fail to produce one. So next time you search the phrase ”Managed Forex accounts London”, keep in mind that professional traders are people who document their trading progress! Ask them to produce even a month’s trading statement and go through it.

Managed Forex accounts London – do they accept deposits directly?

Well, it depends. Here, we prefer to have our customers deposit their money with our chosen Forex broker (and I mean a regulated broker). From there, we can trade the money for them. Please read this article to get an overview of how managed Forex accounts work.

Just in case you are short of time, this is what you should know: some managed Forex account service providers do accept money directly while others insist on the investor depositing money with their approved Forex brokers.

But at least there should be some proof that the Forex managed account provider is doing proper trading behind the curtains. We will talk about this next time.

Which money managers are offering the best returns?

Any managed Forex accounts provider who offers decent returns can be a good choice for your investment.

But like I said before, there are many things to consider and one of them is proof of trading. If they have a 1-month trading statement, that can make your work easier as you will be able to determine whether or not they are the right fit based on the numbers you see on the trading statement.

However, if you do not have the time to dig the trenches in search for the best performing managed Forex accounts providers in London, your safest bet would be to use our managed account service.

We are dynamic and very professional. We have clients from across the world and not just in London only. We use the best risk-reward ratios in our trades because this is the only way to make money consistently in the Forex market.

Now, I am not saying we don’t make losses occasionally. Any money manager who tells you they have never lost a trade is potentially a fraud. Some trades will definitely go wrong but what matters is the percentage of monthly returns you will receive.

We average between 10%-19%. So in the worst month, we won’t even hit the 19% mark and in that case, expect 10% or slightly more. In the best month, however, we all smile on our way to the bank as we could make 30% for our clients.

managed Forex accounts London

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”Managed Forex Accounts London”? Contact us for managed Forex accounts solutions or sign up in the table above.